
Climate Bridge invited to attend the unveiling ceremony of Center for Blue Carbon Science and Technology (ECNU)

Time:2022-12-09 View:1603

       The Center for Blue Carbon Science and Technology (ECNU) was established in Shanghai and appointed GAO Zhiwen, General Manager at Climate Bridge, to its inaugural scientific Committee.


      The Center for Blue Carbon Science and Technology at East China Normal University (ECNU) hosted its unveiling ceremony on December 7 in Shanghai. Distinguished attendees included Level II Bureau Rank Official Zheng Guanghong from the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM), Deputy Director-General Jin Zuowen from the Ecological Environment Supervision Bureau of the East China Sea Area of Lake Tai Basin under Ministry of Ecology and Environment (EESB-Lake Tai), Assistant President Shi Guoyue from the East China Normal University, and He Qing, director at the ECNU State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Sciences.


      Our General Manager, Gao Zhiwen, attended the event as a recently appointed member of the center’s inaugural scientific committee, which also includes experts from institutions such as STCSM, EESB-Lake Tai, Institute of Tsinghua University (Hebei), Xiamen University, East China Sea Environment Monitoring Center, and ECNU.


       ECNU has a strong history of advancing China’s research and innovation capabilities. The establishment of the center highlights this commitment, serving to bolster research in blue carbon and enhance the university's contributions to national and regional imperatives.


     The Center for Blue Carbon Science and Technology is headed by academician Jiao Nianzhi of Xiamen University. Professor Tang Jianwu and researcher Liu Dongyan, both from East China Normal University, serve as Deputy Directors. Their vision is for the center to become a leader of blue carbon research, both domestically and globally.


       Gao Zhiwen expressed his enthusiasm about being a part of the committee. His appointment aligns with Climate Bridge’s desire to advance global understanding of blue carbon projects, having developed China's first marine carbon sink mangrove project in Zhanjiang.


       Climate Bridge is committed to providing individuals, companies, and government with the best practical solution plans to address climate change through the intersection between high efficiency and low cost of information, funding, technology, and carbon credit. With the values of Innovation, Professionalism, Efficiency, Integrity, Empowerment, we work together with governments, enterprises, institutions, and individuals to promote the "dual carbon" goals and actively contribute to addressing climate change and sustainable development.